Personal Branding Step One: Understand What Your Brand Is

Personal Branding Step One: Understand What Your Brand Is

There are three steps I take clients through in the IMPACT Personal Brand Experience™. The first is understanding what your brand really is. Your brand comes to life through your image, your brand voice (what and how you communicate), and the experience you deliver through your actions and behavior. Your Impact Every day, every interaction presents an opportunity to leave a lasting impression and communicate your brand, your IMPACT: What happens because of you™. Before you can be intentional in what you really want to communicate, you must understand, what is my brand? The foundation of any brand - products, services, company brands and personal brands - is built on three basic branding fundamentals. What am I known for? What happens because of me? Most resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and the…
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Personal Branding 101 – Perspective is Everything

Personal Branding 101 – Perspective is Everything

Everybody has a personal brand whether or not they're aware of what it's communicating.   Identifying your personal impact is a huge step in understanding your personal brand. Your personal brand shows up in your image: what people see – starting with your photo on LinkedIn. Your communications: every email, post, body language, and verbal interaction, to name a few. The experience of knowing you or working with you. How you show up every single day creates an impact in your business, relationships, and personal life. Taking control of your personal brand doesn't mean changing yourself or trying to live up to your own standard of perfection, it means identifying what your impact is. The question is, “What do you want it to communicate?” Your brand is really the impact you make on people. Your impact…
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The Art of Living in Brand

The Art of Living in Brand

I’ve spent most of my 30-year career managing and building brands. I’ve had the honor of working with some of the most recognized and respected corporate, service and product brands on the market. In all of my experience working with brands, I was, and continue to be, most intrigued by people and the fact that they, too, have a brand. Your brand makes an impact. It is what compels people and draws them to you. Or not. Every person walking this planet has a brand whether they are aware of it or not. And that brand has a voice. Our brand voice is communicating an expectation of what it might be like to know us or work with us. It communicates, “Trust me” or “you can rely on me” or…
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