Impact Branding

IMPACT Branding – for people, teams and organizations


What are you known for? What happens because of you?

I’ve spent most of my career creating and building brands. I’ve had the honor of working with some of the most recognized and respected corporate, service and product brands on the market. What I’ve learned is that every business, product, service and person has a “brand,” and it comes to life and makes an IMPACT – from the image that is projected, to the communications that promote it, and the experience people have with it. It is what compels people and makes them want to choose it. Or not.

Brands have a voice, whether or not they are carefully managed. The question is, “What do you want your brand to communicate?” Sometimes, the desired impact and the actual impact are the same. Sometimes it is so much better than what you are willing to say.

Personal Branding:

Your brand is the impact you make on people and that is what leads to an impact (i.e. measurable results) in business. No one makes an impact in business without making an impact on people. The IMPACT Personal Brand Experience is a guided process that helps you articulate what you are known for and what happens because of you in every way you show up from your image and your communications to the experience of knowing you and working with you.

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Business Branding:

If you are launching, repositioning, naming or renaming a company or non-profit, this process will help you get clear on what you want your business to be known for and its impact on your most important audiences. Your ability to attract and build your ideal audience hinges on your message and the experience you deliver. Your message must be relevant to how you are positioned in the market and must resonate with your target audience. The experience makes or breaks your business.

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