Presentations for Conferences or Events

Every presentation is a reflection of your conference or event brand.

Make a positive impression with each one.


We build your conference brand one presenter at a time.

Present with IMPACT™ can elevate your conference brand and bring it to life with every presentation and every speaker. We help you deliver a consistent brand experience with speaker delivery and best practice presentations that leaves a lasting positive impression with every attendee.

Our process is proven, and the experience is powerful for every speaker. We turn content into presentation best practices on every slide and make each presentation an engaging and positive experience for the audience and the speaker. And this reflects and reinforces your conference or event brand.

We start with a branded conference Power Point template that ensures consistency and continuity in how your conference brand is delivered with every presentation. We work with every speaker to ensure their content, graphics, story arc, messaging, and delivery is transformed using best practices that engage (not distract) and draw the audience into the dialogue.

We help speakers deliver their best on your behalf. We create an experience in every format that works.

We help you with presentation formats to provide a unique experience in every keynote and breakout session. We know how to turn a presentation into a cozy and compelling fireside chat, an engaging roundtable, a lively panel presentation, an interactive two-speaker back and forth, or a moderated Q and A session. Multiple formats transform a conference into an experience. And, as we work with speakers, we might recommend changing the format to bring out their best.

Presentation topics and titles can make or break your attendee registration.

The best conferences integrate a presentation strategy long before the agenda is set. We are experts in helping you create a compelling conference theme and identify presentation topics and titles that create a draw. Keynote themes set the tone and extend into breakouts that bring the conference to life. We help you develop a solid title and topic strategy from kick-off to close that makes your conference the one that drives early registration and is the must attend conference of the year.