Speaker Coaching

Speak with Confidence. Present with Impact.

Be real. Be you.

The Present with IMPACT™ speaker coaching program leverages your personal brand (the unique aspects of your distinct personality, body language, and natural communication strengths) while elevating your delivery. While every speaker, presentation and situation are unique, this process helps you engage your audience more effectively and leave a positive, lasting impression that inspires, motivates, or compels people to action. As a keynote speaker myself, I know what it takes to deliver with confidence and that requires being the real you. It can’t be forced. It must be authentically you.

There are three key areas that we assess, address and leverage in your pursuit of speaking with impact:


This is about your on-stage or front-of-the-room impact. Whether you are leading a meeting, facilitating a workshop or delivering a keynote, your presence sets the tone for the audience experience and influences the impact of what you say. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to establishing presence. This must accentuate the unique aspects of you in way that establishes credibility and believability with your audience, while it bolsters your confidence as you present.


The message matters. And it must be easy to remember and easy to deliver – for you and for your audience. What do you want your audience to remember and share after you speak?

It must be listenable. It must be relatable. What you say, how you say it and the context in which it is delivered makes or breaks your presentation. Messaging is a skill and an art that we’ve honed  for three decades. We help you create a story that compels with content that brings your story to life – from opening to close.


Great presenters make an impact. They leverage their authentic presence and deliver a message that resonates to inspire an emotion or feeling, shift a belief or mindset, inform or educate, or motivate people to action. It all happens at the delivery phase. This is when everything comes together with tools and content that inspire confidence in what you say and how you say it. No faking it til you make it, because you are prepared, and you are being you. Magic wands are extra.